Getting out of an artist block

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Anyone who does anything that requires some sort of creativity has met the devil called artist block. You might feel inspired but your hands and brain is just not working to get you the result you want.

In my case, I always end up with tons of crushed paper and a blank canvas. The devil visits me pretty often and likes to lurk around forever. I usually have a hard time getting out of an artist block but recently I’ve finally come up with ways to deal with the devil myself.

These are just some ways that worked for me and hopefully it’ll be helpful for you too!

Reference pictures

Finding reference pictures has been very helpful in getting me out of an artist block. I mainly lurk around Instagram to get picture reference from either people I follow, celebrities, photographers or even anime accounts.

The reference pictures are from @ponymakeup on Instagram. She is a Korean celebrity make up artist. Her Instagram is filled with awesome pictures to reference from.

Other accounts to check out:

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One Lovely Blog Award

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I’ve been nominated by Matt-in-the-Hat during my tiny break from wordpress. Thanks for remembering my existence and I’m sorry this took so long. Without further ado, lets drown ourselves with these 7 facts about me.

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  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award to your post
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass this on to as many people as you like (max 15)
  • Include this set of rules
  • Inform your nominees

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Cosplay possibilities

For the longest time I’ve always wanted to cosplay at some anime/game convention. Cosplaying just looks really fun in general and who doesn’t like fun?

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I’ve always promised myself that I’ll cosplay someday for some event but being a procrastinator, things like this with no deadline just gets brushed off my list of things I want to do. So here I am to write a post to keep a reminder for myself that GIRL, GO GET YOUR ASS TO A EVENT IN A COS BY THE END OF THIS YEAR.

I’ve always wanted to cosplay. It looks so fun but at the same time it’s so expensive. 99% of my money goes to food and honestly I don’t think I can afford buying a full costume and still satisfy my cravings. I would have started cosplay ages ago if not for it being a costly hobby. I’ve now started working and have my own money so why not spend some on trying out cosplay right. I’m all fired up and I got a part time job too, that means I should start saving up for my cos.

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How I wish I’m ballin like Tenjin

That said, I still need to make a decision on what I want to cosplay as. I am very tall so a lot of characters are out of my list even though I would love to cosplay as them. I am 178cm tall thus that does limit the characters I can cos.  It just wouldn’t look as nice. I mean imagine this tall ass girl cosplaying as Emma Ai. It just doesn’t work. I know, I know, don’t let your body type stop you from cosplaying anything you want to. You can go ahead but not me. I just don’t like it on myself.There is nothing wrong in cosplaying a character that does not have the same body type as you are, however, I do prefer to stay as true to character as possible.

Here’s the thing, I’m a little bit of a perfectionist so if i were to commit to doing something, I’d want it to be as good as it can get.

Without further ado, here are some possible cosplay for the tall girl club. Continue reading

Alive again. (Mini Jotaku)

Image result for waving animeHey all! It has been 3 months since my last blog post and it’s great to be back! I pretty much took a break from wordpress after my last post -> Anime openings otakus know too well (shameless self promo). As to why i took a break, there was no reason. I just wanted to. I mean it’s not as if this blog is going anywhere.

This blog post is just gonna be me updating about me life and to hopefully get me back on writing again. (Mini Jotaku)


Before anything else, I want to thank the people who followed me during my absence. I am very surprised that there are still people reading my blog despite me not updating it. Seeing the stats really motivates me to continue this blog. 

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Sending virtual hugs to everyone.


To start things off, I want to talk about this Otome game which I think almost everyone is familiar with by now. Yes, I have hopped onto the hype train as well.

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It is the one and only Mystic Messenger. This is a Otome game created by a Korean company called Cheritz. I’ve seen this game popping up on my app store quite a few time before it was all popular but didn’t thank much about it since most mobile Otome games are pretty shit. However, after seeing some reviews of it I decided that maybe I should give it a shot but for some reason, I couldn’t install the game on my phone only until last week. So yes, I am very late on this hype train but all is good. My phone was able to install it after a recent update to the game. Continue reading

Anime openings Otakus know too well

Anime openings play such a huge part in getting me into the mood to watch the anime. Some anime totally nailed the opening song in setting the mood that fits the anime perfectly. All these opening songs can really get popular real quick and the whole anime community pretty much can sing them as an anthem in a flash.

So in this post I’m going to talk about some anime openings that became part of our anthem. I feel like 90% of the anime community can all recognize these songs pretty easily.

This list is in no particular order.

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Should you watch Aoharu x Kikanjuu?

Genre: Action, Drama, Gender bend, Comedy

Tachibana Hotaru is a High School girl who is often mistaken as a boy due to her appearance and dressing. With a strong sense of justice, Hotaru seeks to punish evil doers. The story follows Hotaru on her journey in a survival game team called Toy gun gun where no female members are allowed.

IMO: This anime has beautiful art style, pretty interesting story line and all the good shenanigans you want in an anime. My one and only complain which made me quit watching this at episode 10 is how annoying the main character can be. Maybe it’s just me but so far, I have yet to find someone that had the same problem with this anime. The reviews I’ve seen so far about this anime has been pretty good.

– Warning, heavy complaining ahead.-
I have a shit ton of things to complain about Hotaru, but I’ll just point out some major ones just so I don’t bore everyone out.

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So here’s a little update about myself. I’ve got my hair bleached blonde a few days ago and OH MY GOD. I feel as if I walked right out from an anime. I feel magical.

Asians like me have black hair and it’s not like I hate it, it’s just that 19 years of black hair can be pretty boring. I NEED SOME EXCITEMENT IN MY LIFE. Sure I did dye my hair a few times in the past but it was nothing drastic. Just browns and maybe red.


It’s been 3 days I believe and I think I’m slowly getting used to it. It’s still kinda fun looking into the mirror in the morning and be like who dafaq is this then go on admiring my hair for the next 20 minutes or so.

I’m already rambling, so imma cut that out and just go straight to what this post is.


Anime girls are always known for their big (boobs) eyes and that oh-so-luscious hair. So today I want to honor all those blondies out there that have their hair so fabulous that you wonder what shampoo they use. Like seriously, my hair feels like grass, it does not move like how it does for them. I am salty.


The list is in no particular order. Continue reading

Should you watch Himouto! Umaru-chan?

Genre: Moe, School life, Slice of life, Comedy

Umaru Domo is a closet otaku. She would gladly be a NEET if she could but living with her brother, she is constantly getting nagged at for lazing around. A gorgeous high school girl that has no problems with her studies, excels in sports and is talented in many other ways as well. She is a total bum at home who does nothing other than gaming, watching anime, reading manga, snacking and napping.

IMO: Yes, she is in fact very adorable. This is probably one of the cutest anime out there. Umaru is definitely not fap material… Unless you are into moe, not that there is anything wrong with it. I just think that she is just too cute to fap to.

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Anime Virginity

Anime has been a part of my life ever since I could even remember. Of course I did not seek out to watch anime consciously everyday when I was a kid, I was a normal human child that watched the cartoons and hi-5 that would show at 5pm everyday on the local kid’s channel. My Mom is a huge fan Crayon shin-chan and although some would argue that it’s not child friendly, I was exposed to it at a very young age.

 Crayon shin-chan is pretty much full of nonsense. I till this age still do enjoy watching it. At that point of my life, I didn’t know the existence of anime and thought that Doremon and Crayon Shin-chan are just mere cartoons.

So I pretty much grew up watching anime without knowing it is anime.Random animes like Hamtaro, Pretty cure, Yu-gi-o and other animes would be my favorite ‘cartoon’ to watch on the kid’s channel. Continue reading

Anime annoyances

Nerd Rambles

As much as I adore anime, there are quite are few things about it that irritate me. I decided to write about a few of them. Bear in mind, these are my opinions.

mirai-nikki-episode-3-bad-ending When your anime ends on a cliffhanger

  • Read the manga endings

It is always so disappointing when you have watched a series for so long, only to be given a terrible ending. However, there is something worse. Read the manga endings. At least with bad endings, you have an ending.

With read the manga endings (if you can even call them that) is probably the biggest  spit in the face. Mostly because it is hard or even downright impossible to get certain manga.Even if you can, chances are it’s really pricey.


  • Unnecessary fan-service episodes 

Who doesn’t love fan-service? Thing is, it sucks when the dark gritty plot grinds to a halt so the characters can go to the…

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